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Marijuana(THC) Drug Test Kit For Home

Marijuana(THC) Drug Test Kit For Home

SKU: DTH-114

Marijuana (THC) test card is a quick one step method to detect for marijuana through a urine sample. This is simple easy to take ‘dip-and-read’ test. A perfect solution to get accurate results quickly and in total privacy at your home.

Advantages of our Marijuana drugs test card

  • FDA Cleared Tests
  • A simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect a specific drug(s) in urine
  • Results in just a few minutes
  • 95% to 98% accurate

Quantity (no.)
Discounted Price
$46.25 / Box
$43.75 / Box
4 or More
$41.25 / Box

Click here for Test Directions.
Click Here for Package Insert

About Marijuana

THC (∆9--tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary active ingredient in cannabinoids (marijuana). When smoked or orally administered, it produces euphoric effects. Users have impaired short term memory and slowed learning. They may also experience transient episodes of confusion and anxiety. Long term relatively heavy use may be associated with behavioral disorders.

The peak effect of smoking marijuana occurs in 20-30 minutes and the duration is 90-120 minutes after one cigarette. Elevated levels of urinary metabolites are found within hours of exposure and remain detectable for 3-10 days after smoking. The main metabolite excreted in the urine is 11-nor-∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (∆9-THC-COOH. This is the suggested screening cut-off for positive specimens set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, USA).


Technical Specificity

The following table lists compounds and their respective concentrations in urine that
yield a positive result in the THC One Step Marijuana Test Strip at 5 minutes.

Compound Concentration (ng/mL)
Cannabinol 20,000
11-nor-∆8 - THC-9 COOH  30
11-nor-∆9 -THC-9 COOH 50
∆8 -THC 15,000
∆9 –THC  15,000

This test card provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used. For more information, click here.

Market price: $57.00 Our price: $46.25
Quantity 2-3 Items 4+ Items
Price $43.75 $41.25
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.
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marijuana drug testing
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