Home :: Alcohol Testing :: Alcohol Breathalyzer :: AL 6000 Sensor Green

AL 6000 Sensor Green

AL 6000 Sensor Green

SKU: AL 6000 Sensor Green

Before purchasing this sensor , you must verify whether you have a RED or GREEN sensor module. This can be done by removing the top cap of the Prestige or examining the sensor module's circuit board color through the rear air vent on top of the device.

There are 2 sensor module colors…Green & red. Please open the cover & check & then place order. Sensor module color that is ordered must be same color as the one in there already.

If the color of the sensor module is Red then please click here to purchase

“No Refunds. No Exchanges” for sensor modules.“

Call us at 1-877-281-9756 for any questions.
Our price: $32.95
Please note: Quantity of '1' means you are ordering 1 Box of 25 tests.. For example: Quantity of '3' means you are ordering 75 tests. Tests are sold in manufacturer supplied, original packaging.
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Type the characters you see in the picture:

The code is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as above.
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5-Drug Test Card (COC/AMP/THC/OPI/PCP) AlcoMate Premium (AL7000) BasicPack Amphetamine(AMP) Test Card
AL 6000 Sensor Red
AL 6000 Sensor Red

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